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2024 Saia Scholarship Program

While Saia's scholarship program began in 2003, its long-standing purpose supports Saia’s core values as it is an investment our company makes in our families and communities. Since its inception, we are proud to have awarded a total of $577,000 to 293 students.

The program is open to all full-time employees and their dependents, including spouses, and is designed to help cover college or graduate school expenses for recipients. Saia will award 20 college scholarships - 10 in the amount of $5,000 and 10 in the amount of $2,500 for a total of $75,000. Awards will be based on qualifications outlined in the program. There are certain conditions applicants must meet, so please read all information carefully.

Scholarships will be awarded based on the applicant’s academic achievement, their community service, and/or an innovation or accomplishment in a field of study or interest. Decisions on winners will be made based on the following criteria:

  • Past academic performance
  • Leadership
  • Communication skills
  • School and community involvement
  • Letter(s) of recommendation

Recipients will be selected based on all the information required and submitted, so please take your time and be thorough as you fill out all sections of the application.

Applications must be submitted by June 30, 2024. Recipients will be announced in July. Those not selected will receive an e-mail informing them of the committee’s decision. On this site, you will find the application guidelines, explaining the program’s details, eligibility requirements, deadline dates, and required application support data as well as submission details.

We are thrilled to offer this scholarship program to our employees and their dependents, especially this year, which is the company's 100-year anniversary. We want to extend an invitation for you to participate.

If you have any questions concerning the scholarship program, please contact Jeannie Jump by emailing [email protected] or by calling 1-800-765-7242, extension 4069. You may also contact Ginger McElhannon at [email protected] or by calling 1-800-765-7242, extension 4074.

Scholarship Program Guidelines

The following are guidelines for the Saia Scholarship Program. Please review each section carefully.

  1. Twenty college scholarships - 10 in the amount of $5,000 and 10 in the amount of $2,500, for a total of $75,000, will be awarded to Saia employees or their dependents based on the qualifications outlined.
  2. To be eligible you must meet the following requirements:
    1. Be a dependent of a full-time Saia employee or a full-time Saia employee.
    2. Be prepared to carry a full-time schedule of college or continuing education (at least 12 credits each semester) or graduate student classes for the year of the scholarship.
  3. Those not eligible to participate include Saia officers, directors, regional management, selection committee members, part-time employees and family members of each of these groups.
  4. Scholarships are awarded based on the applicant’s academic achievement, community service, and/or innovation in their field of study/interest.
  5. Each scholarship will be awarded for one year. Applicants must re-apply for the scholarship prior to their next year of school. Equal consideration will be given to past winners and previous and new applicants. Recipients can use scholarship awards for tuition or books but not for additional living expenses. Any taxes relating to the scholarship award will be the responsibility of the recipient.
  6. The following criteria is used to determine the recipients:
    • Past academic performance
    • School and community involvement
    • Leadership ability
    • Letters of recommendation
    • Communications skills
  7. A selection committee will judge applications and recipients will be selected based on information submitted. Applicants are required to sign the application certifying that information submitted is accurate to the best of their knowledge. If application information is found to be inaccurate, the scholarship can be rescinded. Saia has the right to verify all submitted information and can ask for proof, if necessary.
  8. Applications must be Submitted as Final by June 30, 2024.
  9. Applicants will be notified by Saia in July of their acceptance/denial. Scholarship winners will be featured in our Saia Directions newsletter along with other marketing material. A photo of the applicant may be submitted for inclusion in Directions.



1. Register

Click on the "Register" link and complete and submit the registration form.

2. Login

Login to the site with your email and password.

3. Create

Create your online application.

4. Save

During the Call for Applications period, your application can be saved as DRAFT until all the required information is completed and attachments uploaded. As each section is complete, you will see a appear in the category tab when the application is saved. At any time, you can download and print your application by clicking on the icon in the Application Summary section.

5. Submit

On completion, save your Application as FINAL. Download and print a copy of your application for your records by clicking on the icon in the Application Summary section in the right column. Note: If an update is required prior to the Call for Applications period, you can make the update and resave as FINAL.

If you require assistance or additional information, please contact the Award Administrator.

Key Dates

Application Open:
May 3, 2024
Application Close:
June 30, 2024

Contact Us

Saia LTL Freight 
11465 Johns Creek Parkway, Suite 400
Johns Creek, GA 30097
Phone: 1-800-765-7242
Email: [email protected]
Alternative Email: [email protected]
Copyright  2025 SAIA.  All rights reserved.